
Common nouns, proper nouns, and the United States of America

The Boy is reviewing the differences between common nouns and proper nouns and one of his lessons centers on the state he lives in.

"I live in ___________."
"____________ is a proper noun."

Then we discussed the fact that Hawaii is a state and that there are 50 states. We discussed the fact that the word "state" is a common noun and that "Hawaii" is a proper noun because it is the name of a state.

We have a floor map puzzle of the United States so we brought it out and put it together and talked about the states where friends and family members live.



Which led into a game of "Guess which state is missing."


Which led into a nice discussion about where we'd all like to live next. Short day today and we are now off to the library and Jamba Juice! Yay for Tuesdays!


- hfs

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